Marlborough District Pokies Casinos ✅ Clubs, pubs, gaming venue guides.
Whether you live near Blenheim or are just passing through, Grove Tavern is one place that you need to stop at. With an excellent location, cracker pokies, a fantastic menu and 5 star reviews, it will be an experience you won’t want to miss. Be sure to bring friends and family for one of the best bar and dining experiences in the local area.
Menu, Pokies and About The Grove Tavern
This is a casual bar located in Blenheim with excellent dining and sports watching. Originally the Commercial Hotel. it has been transformed into a nice pub. It is run by... Read More
Marlborough District Pokies Casinos ✅ Clubs, pubs, gaming venue guides.
The Fairweathers Cafe and Restaurant since 1879 has been a bustling, warm and welcoming venue. It is located in beautiful Blenheim and is the best location in town for drinks, eats and a little pokies gaming excitement. The establishment is urban and has tasteful décor. Families, friends, colleagues and couples can feel very comfortable here. Within, there is a cafe and a restaurant. The venue also hosts events and functions. Capable of providing the rooms and furnishings required for this purpose, the restaurant can also cater to the events held here.
T... Read More
Marlborough District Pokies Casinos ✅ Clubs, pubs, gaming venue guides.
Redwood Tavern is a chic, inviting establishment. It is situated at 66 Cleghorn St, Blenheim. Here, you can enjoy some great facilities provided in the resident sports bar. It serves a myriad of iconic brands of beer, wines and spirits. You can also utilize the self-service TAB and pokies gaming facility in this section. Within the establishment, there is a restaurant which serves delicious, iconic meals. Everyone is welcome at this tavern and it’s highly rated in customer reviews.
Families, couples, singles and groups of friends can feel quite com... Read More
Marlborough District Pokies Casinos ✅ Clubs, pubs, gaming venue guides.
The Waterfront Bar & Grill is a premiere location which you can visit and relax with your friends, partner, family or business group. The venue is decked out in amenities which guarantee comfort for all. Examples of what’s on offer include 18 pokie gaming machines, a dozen great ales on tap, awesome bar snacks, a self-service TAB, a sunny beer garden and exquisite views of the Taylor River. Furthermore, there is a comfortable, cosy restaurant which provides a variety of sumptuous meals at terrific prices for you and your group.
The staff is wel... Read More
Marlborough District Pokies Casinos ✅ Clubs, pubs, gaming venue guides.
The Marlborough club is a welcoming, comfortable spot located on the Taylor River bank right in the middle of Marlborough. The huge club is situated at Alfred Street Blenheim where the old RSA site used to be. Members, guests and visitors can visit the club to enjoy a wide variety of amenities.
There are facilities for refreshment, dining, sports / social clubs, entertainment and pokie games as well. The club has a vibrant, large membership of 7,600 plus people. This is because it was formed as a result of the combination of the Blenheim Workingmen’... Read More